Cultivate Curiosity
Welcome to Cultivate Curiosity, a blog designed for parents and early childhood educators.
Here, you’ll find essential knowledge, practical advice, and creative activities that foster child development, well-being, and positive learning environments. Join me on this journey of nurturing young learners and growing bright futures. Whether you’re a parent or educator, we’re here to explore early childhood education together, guided by curiosity and a shared commitment to giving children the best start in life. Let’s learn, grow, and inspire as we nurture and educate the youngest members of our community. — Dr. Nancy Harding

Build Mind-Body Connections through Yoga in the Classroom
Welcome to this post as a supplement to the NAEYC presentation November 8th. In the PDF below, you will find pics of the poses that

Nurturing Positive Behavior Expectations
Fostering a Culture of Understanding and Cooperation in Early Childhood Education

The Benefits of Pretend Play in Emotional Development
Understanding and Managing Big Feelings in Early Childhood

Building Essential Life Skills through Collaborative Play
Nurturing Collaboration in Early Childhood

Differentiated Instruction Strategies for Early Childhood Education
Crafting Tailored Learning Journeys for Every Child

Scaffolding Executive Functioning in Young Children
Nurturing Cognitive and Social Skills in Early Childhood