
The tools and learning experiences I provide are valuable resources for parents and educators; they will use them repeatedly. I simplify complex concepts and break them down into manageable steps, ensuring that the learning process is enjoyable and accessible to every individual. The goal of my workshops is for the participants to grasp what they learn and use it in a way that fits them.

What will you learn? Practical skills that you can use daily with the children in your care. A deeper understanding of the concepts that underlie these practical skills. Techniques to help you reflect and grow in your knowledge of child development.

Preschool teachers educating children.

For Educators

The four workshops below are offered to early childhood education providers wanting to increase and improve their child care knowledge and techniques.

Parent teaching preschool child.

For Parents

I offer two workshops to parents wanting to learn a deeper understanding of practical skills and early childhood education techniques to use outside of the classroom.

Engaging with teachers and parents across various U.S. settings throughout my career, I approach learning as a collaborative socio-cultural process. We learn together and from one another. Everyone’s unique perspective brings something valuable to the collective experience.

I am a lifelong learner. Staying in this mindset keeps me humble and reinforces my belief in the uniqueness of the learning process for each person. Recognizing and honoring these individual differences is crucial to my mission of effectively supporting education and personal growth.

Let’s work together to make learning exciting and full of growth. Reach out and get in touch today!